Thursday, June 16, 2011

wanna walk your way to fit?

If you are interested in walking your way to a fit body, try what I did by taking a one-day turnaround trip to Disneyland with my best friend, and fellow teammate, Kirsten & my two boys.  We flew into JFK Airport at 0700 hours last Thursday and spent six hours walking EVERYWHERE around California Adventure and Disneyland until heading back to the airport to catch our 1900 hours return flight. 

fun. adventure. memories. aching feet.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


my first wetsuit experience

Come on!  Who hasn't put on a wetsuit & hoped their spouse, training partner and/or coach, or heck, even their kiddos were around to help them get into the darn thing!  Well, Xterra Wetsuits posted a  You Tube video for beginners to help ease their way into their wetsuits!  It's on the post just above this one!  Let us know what you think!    (camera phone photo)

welcome to TEAM SW+T

We are so excited that you are joining us at TEAM SW+T or better known at {Stop Wining + TRI}.  This TRI team is brand new and currently consist of three ladies:  myself (Tara), Marcee, and Kirsten.  Join us for information about our training, interesting articles and blog entries from fellow athletes and enthusiast, and fun updates about our lives.